The "BlackOps" Marine are the secondary Assault Force, normally deployed into extensively hostile terrain, of the Shazbotdom Empire. Broken down into three Sub-Groups, the "BlackOps" Marines are highly trained in hand to hand and guerrilla warfare. They strike and then leave as soon as possible with precision tactics. Using sophisticated training and years of combat experience, these brave men and women take on the missions that the Standard Marine Corps is not quite trained enough to handle.
About the Devil DogsThe "BlackOps" have had been involved in Covert and Overt operations throughout the world. This including Operations "ShazMirox Defence", "Smackdown The Ryou Black Islands", and "Delviran Assault". They also have been deployed several times for diplomatic protection missions in high-risk corners of the globe where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs believed that the Standard Marine Corps would be overwhelmed in case something happened to threaten the lives of Diplomat's to the region.
The men and women of the "BlackOps" Special Forces train at facilities all across the Empire in simulated urban and Jungle warfare throughout the countryside for the very special missions that they endure through on a day to day basis. The "BlackOps" Special Forces also trains with weaponry that is captured during missions throughout the world. Although very rarely are they deployed with any weaponry that they obtain from missions in the four corners of the world.