After recruitment numbers of the forces within the Shazonite Protection Authority continued to swell throughout the later part of the 18th Century and throughout the 19th Century, it was the decision of the leadership of the fighting force that they should expand the capabilities. Under this reorganization, the name of the fighting force would change to the Shazite Armed Forces, with subsets of the Navy and the Army.
The Naval expansion included the building of 20 ships. With the building of these ships, the original 5 that were use for the move to the continent 300 years prior were scuttled into the ocean for the purpose of expanding the coral reefs and expand upon the natural barrier that protected the nation from hurricanes.
The Army also saw expansions. With the creation of an Infantry Division, Calvary Division and a rudimentary Mechanized Division, this was the largest expansion and reorganization to date. Numbers for the combined Armed Forces, at this time, have swelled to nearly 45,000.