With the expansion of colonial territorial assets, it was necessary to expand the naval capabilities to better fulfill the protection needs of The Empire. After gaining some purview with the Ownership of Halcyon Arms, the Shazbotdom Empire placed it’s largest order from the Military Manufacturer. They ordered the Domestic Production Rights for nearly a dozen ships and then for ships that those rights were not available for, they purchased several of each ship type.
After all was said and done, the Empire spent nearly $1.3 Trillion on purchases from Halcyon. To complete the purchases, they worked with the shipbuilders to build and train needed individuals domestically to build the ships.
After everything was completed, the aging fleet was replaced and the numbers expanded to the point where the varied fleets of the Empire now comprised of a total of 1,141 Ships. The aging ships were, after they were stripped of all technology, brought out close to the barrier islands off the coasts of the Empire and sunk to assist with building up better Hurricane Defence.