After the need to expand Imperial Assets, several Colony ships left port after the lands were spotted by Sattlites that looked like they were Uninhabited.  These colonists would set up structures and endure hardships for many years.  With that, the Naval Assets of the Empire were expanded to include a few more Coastal Defence forces that would assist in the defence of these Colonial Possessions while the Army Corps of Engineers started building forts in strategic locations close to the settlements.

Within a few years, these Colonial Holdings would become busling centralized locations of industry.  In 1999, they would have several settlements and would have their own Colonial Governmental Authority for each of the Colonial lands, now named Alraibris, Bolrasha, and Halnara.

By 2014, each of the Colonial Posessions would have their own independent Militia for the defene of the Colonies and the bases built by the old Army Corps of Engineers would be handed over to them.