With the onset of the 2nd World War, the Empire continued to maintain it's isolationist principles, turning away any ships form foreign nations that it will not be dragged into the affairs of the world at large, especially with the 1st World War costing the Empire nearly 250 Million in lost revenue due to multiple ships being sunk by the Central Powers.
In early 1943, such an incident occurred when a British vessel was spotted approaching the shores of the Empire and a couple ships of the Imperial Navy were dispatched out to turn them away. It was then that they attempted to force their way past the Imperial Navy ships and was fired upon by the Empire. The ship eventually turned away, never to be seen along Imperial Shores again.
The British sent an official letter of Protest to the Emperor at the time and brought the issue before the League of Nations, which attempted to bring Sanctions against the Empire but that effort failed when the Empire put the League on notice that since they were not a member, the League had no power over the Internal Affairs of the Empire.
A few weeks after the meeting was over, the Empire began routine patrols of the coastline of the Empire with not only Air Force Assets, but also Naval Assets, in an effort to discourage other nations from attempting to come to the Empire seeking aide.